밴쿠버지구촌교회(해외한인장로회) EM 사역자청빙공고
페이지 정보
작성자 운영자 작성일23-12-26 00:17 조회772회 댓글0건관련링크
밴쿠버지구촌교회(해외한인장로회) EM 사역자청빙공고
밴쿠버지구촌교회에서청소년부(Youth) 사역과청소년, 청장년영어예배를새롭게만들어갈사역자를청빙합니다. 지원자의상황에따라파트, 하프, 또는풀타임으로지원이가능합니다.
1) 이력서
2) 현재본인/가족사진
3) 개인간증및신앙고백
4) 추천서2부
5) 설교영상(비디오나오디오파일또는링크) 두편
6) M. Div 졸업자또는재학생(안수받은목사또는전도사)
7) 영어에능통하며간단한한국어소통이가능하신분/이중언어가가능하신분
8) 영어를사용하는한국인에대한깊은문화적, 영적이해와관심
1) 파트타임
- 청소년부사역
• 금요제자훈련(리더훈련)
• 주일예배설교및인도
• 목양
• 교사교육
• 여름/겨울수련회
• 교회연합절기사역
2) 하프타임또는풀타임
- 청소년부사역: 위와동일
- 영어예배모임및영어사역설립
• 청소년, 청년및젊은장년대상예배인도, 설교
• 리더훈련
• 수련회, 전도, 단기선교와같은사역프로그램조직및인도
• 청소년, 청년, 젊은장년, 학부모, 교사를위한목양, 상담및심방
• 소그룹성경공부인도
Vancouver Global Mission Church (KPCA) is seeking a pastor who can serve in our youth ministry and pioneer our new English ministry for youth and young adults. Applicants may apply for part, half, or full time depending on his/her personal circumstances. Please apply to woorian153@gmail.com.
Qualifications and Required Documents (All submitted documents will be kept confidential and destroyed after the process.)
1) Resume
2) A recent photo of yourself and your family
3) Personal testimony and statement of faith
4) 2 letters of recommendation
5) 2 recent sermons (video/audio files or links)
6) A copy of either M. Div degree or certificate of ordination or enrollment of an M. Div. program
7) Proficiency in English and basic Korean communication/Bilingual
8) A deep cultural/spiritual understanding and passion for Koreans whose first language is English
Responsibilities and Essential Job Duties
1) Part-time
- Youth Ministry
• Friday Discipleship Training (Leadership Training)
• Leading Sunday worship and preaching
• Pastoral care
• Training for teachers
• Coordinating and leading Summer/Winter Retreats
• Seasonal ministries for the church
2) Half or Full-time
- Youth Ministry: same as above
- Pioneering new English Worship Service and Ministry
• Leading worship services, Delivering Biblical messages weekly
• Leadership training
• Coordinating and leading variety of ministry programs such as retreats, evangelism, outreach, short-term mission trips
• Counseling, pastoral care, and visits for youth, young adults, parents, and volunteer teachers
• Small group Bible studies